Saturday, December 13, 2008


the Lab Loft...Hubcap...

the BAT.

....Ok so we're took a sec but the transition is complete. You never know how much "stuff" you got til it's time to move it...thank de lawd foe the freight elevator.
I definitely slept on the "blog" potential of the move...cause I didn't take any pics...but it went something like...

November ? til November 15th we had a blowout sale...people came out the wood works to get cheap KULTJAH dead stock and erthing else...we packed up as people man
Marko came thought wit the box truck...we recruited a rag tag bunch of semi-pro movers...moved the studio and lab in two and a half trips...I went to war with a BAT n won (god bless the dead)...unpacked, which seemed much more stressfull than packin...ran into a cat named hubcap (who I think pisses in the hallways)...realized the spot has dope sunsets...finally got the wireless connect...continued unpackin...cleaned over 4 thousand square feet of 100 year old wood floor...burned mad frankincense...stepped outside the lab, turned around n said (think Beat Street) "It's Sooo Clean, Ramo we gotta hit it (talkin bout the walls outside the lab), So I started the first in a series of "Lab Burners"...It's Like havin your own A train to bomb, whenever...So we're in, and it's back to work...perfect timing...