Friday, November 27, 2009

BACK ON THE BLOG....'s been a CRAZY month or so, and this recessions got all "those who hustle" in projects, family thangs, traveling, recouping, a new gig, re-structuring the re-structure, constant brainstorming, de-toxing, ducking swine-flu (no pork!), teaching the youth and the everyday (beautiful) struggle to do what you do makes me wonder...(as always)...where does one find time to blog?....we'll this one hasn't! Yet fear not, I'm back on it...thanks to the obvious necessity to inform our supporters (especially those dagger sharp e-mailing enthusiasts) and comrades of our current movements and future prospects....We'll be updating our blog/website (which is under re-construction) at least once a week, and not on some ol' current event ish, but actual info pertaining to the life/style/philosophies and opinions of KULTJAH DEZIGNS. With that (strangely mission like statement) said....stay tuned...

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