Saturday, January 2, 2010


....First of all...if your reading this blog, I'd like to extend peace and blessings to you and yours. Once again we find ourselves beginning a new year. I think it's safe to say that most of us are ready to shift into a new time frame....and let (especially the back end of...) 2009 drift off into our collective memory banks. In the famous words of Ghostface (Killa) does seem like "The glorious days are gone, and everybody's doin' bad.." many changes...socially, financially, spiritually, environmentally....uh...mentally and so on...that now is the perfect time to take stock in yourself and the people around you, tighten up your boot laces and go get it! For independent, Creative Individuals (Artists, Musicians, Writers etc...) now is the (best) time to do it!...the globe (Internet) is at your fingers and the people want what you have....after've got nothing to lose (except your soul..never sell that!!) while most people are ready to file intellectual bankruptcy, or forfeit their creative freedoms...RISE I say....RISE like a Phoenix from the ashes of mediocrity, and make this a POWERFUL YEAR on your path to fulfillment.

Happy and Prosperous New Year from KULTJAH DEZIGNS.

Artist, Designer...
Motivational Speaker.

1 comment:

a.Nailah said...

Are those flowers for me?? I feel renewed, yes I'll take these words and other well wishes and bathe in them. I hope that you do the same. Be safe, prosperous, healthy, wealthy and 2010 and beyond.