Tuesday, January 13, 2009


.....So we find ourselves at the beginning of a fresh new year (I'm truly workin on keepin up wit this blog thang..). Though Time, Knowledge, Space etc...is Infinite...I always like to take this point in time to reflect on past, present and future movements. Lookin at this picture (above) I zoned out on how we got into the "Rag" business....being Artist...Style Generals...Social Scientist etc...and I couldn't help but long for "those days". I know every generation says "back in my day" or "when I was young..." you know the phrases...but (yo hold up I'm buildin GOD!!) those we're the days of "our" days. Late eighties, early to mid nineties was that shit! without giong into some MTV or VH1 like synopsis of "Hip-Hop" or "Black Culture"...I'm jus sayin...the energy harvested during those times...synthesized by years or slavery, oppression, struggle, re-education, music, traditions, hustle, style & fashion, business savvy n so on....are what gave birth to our concept of "RUGGED LIFE STYLE".....to be continued...

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